
BIBS' unique international bilingual curriculum is jointly developed by a group of outstanding Chinese and international education professionals. After more than 20 years of exploration, we ensure an organic fusion of the IB framework and the core courses from the Chinese National Education Program. We pick the essence of Chinese and Western cultures and fuse these elements together, and offer a true international bilingual curriculum that best suits the Chinese students' development needs.

Core sections from the Chinese National Education Program: Chinese heart, Chinese cultural roots.

IB Curriculum: World's highest level international curriculum.

One school multiple featured courses: A-level, AP, special Arts high School and other special courses Give children more possibilities.

(Schedule subject to each campus)

Kindergarten Curriculum System

Beanstalk International Kindergartens create an all-day bilingual immersive learning environment and provide a unique curriculum under the framework of Belonging, Growing, and Learning, including community, environment, health, independence, language, thinking, physical development, learning skills, and knowledge expansion, etc. Our curriculum has integrated the inquiry-based learning and wholistic educational concept of IB. We seek to achieve our students’ balanced development by forming good habits, developing personal interests, and inspiring potentials during this critical stage of their life.

2-3Y (K1 & K2): Formation of Habits.

3-4Y (K3): Developing Personal Interests.

4-5Y (K4): Self-directed Learning.